PSP Lawyers have proficiency in all aspects of purchase sale real estate taxation in Marbella areas.
Our lawyers have obtained the best results in the legal advice on the acquisition, sale or any other legal form of cession of rights, serious and beneficial to the customer.
Our team of lawyers has an extensive experience in dealing efficiently with the legal and financial aspects of purchasing sale real estate taxation in Marbella.
PSP Lawyers: Experts in taxes and costs when selling and buying a property in Marbella.

PSP Lawyers: Experts in purchase-sale
Real Estate taxation in Marbella.
Our solicitors work keeping in touch with our clients at all stages of the transaction, therefore minimising the risk of exposure and trying to maximise the benefits
We can provide you an estimate of the likely costs at the moment they first contact us, as well as a full advice in negotiations for greater benefit to you.
Do you need the guarantee of a serious firm expert in purchase sale Real Estate Taxation Marbella?
Contact us. We are experts in property conveyance.
PSP Lawyers: Experts in buying, selling, mortgages and commercial premises of all kinds, advising on all aspects of the applicable law, being specialists in the Costa del Sol, and in particular in Marbella.
Remember: When the seller of a property is a person that is not resident in Spain, the acquirer is under obligation to withhold a percentage set by law of the purchase price.